
fragrant red Learn more about fragrant red

  • Culture method of Tripterygium wilfordii (double Xi Teng, Wen Teng, Red Cicada)

    Culture method of Tripterygium wilfordii (double Xi Teng, Wen Teng, Red Cicada)

    The scientific name: mandevillasanderi alias: Tripterygium rubrum, Tripterygium biglandulum, Scutellaria angustifolia, Wenteng, Cicadaceae: Apocynaceae morphological characteristics: perennial evergreen vines, slender rhizomes. Leaves opposite, long ovoid, apex acute, leathery

  • What is the difference between the falling leaves of the fragrant vine and the double Xi rattan

    What is the difference between the falling leaves of the fragrant vine and the double Xi rattan

    There is also a kind of plant called Shuangxi vine in life, the two are very similar in appearance, what about the leaves of the fragrant vine? The difference between Liriodendron and Shuangxi: how to lose the leaves: 1. Lack of water: when the lack of water is serious, the leaves will be lost, but the edges of the leaves will slowly turn yellow before the leaves fall.

  • Cultivation techniques of Hongxiang Fruit

    Cultivation techniques of Hongxiang Fruit

    Red fragrant fruit, also known as red fragrant fruit, this kind of fruit looks red, the fruit is oval, the taste is unique, the pulp and seeds can be eaten together. This strange fruit is native to South America and India. How is it grown? What are the cultivation techniques of red fragrant fruit? Red

    2020-11-08 Hongxiang fruit cultivation techniques also known as this kind of fruit
  • Types and Characteristics of Special Rice

    Types and Characteristics of Special Rice

    1. The concept of special rice 2. Types and characteristics of special rice 1. Color rice 2. Fragrant rice 3. Special rice 1. The concept of special rice Special rice refers to rice with specific genetic characteristics and special uses, mainly for the particularity of its use, in order to distinguish ordinary rice. Special rice generally includes colored rice, fragrant rice and special rice. Although the number of varieties accounts for only about 10% of rice germplasm resources, it is affected by internal factors due to its special characteristics of nutrition, health care and processing utilization.

  • Planting conditions and benefits of red fragrant fruit

    Planting conditions and benefits of red fragrant fruit

    The red fragrant fruit has strong adaptability and can be planted in any sunny place, the red fragrant fruit is suitable for loose and fertile sandy soil, the soil is neutral, its adaptability is strong, the leaves are hard, resistant to diseases and insect pests, and grow like a gourd. a place where watermelons and tomatoes can be grown.

    2020-11-08 Red incense fruit planting conditions and benefit summary red fragrance
  • Red double happiness bean paste

    Red double happiness bean paste

    Yunnan vanilla [red Shuangxi] color-changing safflower, one of the most representative vanilla safflower in Yunnan province. Light yellow at the beginning, but golden and fragrant after three or four days. The famous product of Yunnan bean orchid is the natural spread of orchid and bean orchid, and it is also a very beautiful flower in the color-changing safflower of bean orchid.

  • At least 100,000 giant panda seedlings in the orchid plant world

    At least 100,000 giant panda seedlings in the orchid plant world

    Wild down the mountain orchid red fragrant concubine red classic leaf art orchid, in the seven countries of China orchid leaf art orchid family, belongs to the rarest and most precious species. Especially in the Cymbidium leaf art orchid family, Cymbidium red fragrant concubine leaf art orchid belongs to the leaves...

  • The flowers of this woody plant are fragrant, beautiful and easy to grow on the balcony.

    The flowers of this woody plant are fragrant, beautiful and easy to grow on the balcony.

    Green potted plant is a necessary embellishment of home life, which can not only beautify the room, but also keep one's heart happy. There are many advantages in raising flowers and plants at home. "Huasheng potted Plant Diary No. 1022" will introduce you to a plant with very fragrant flowers. Today.

  • The difference between incense wood and pepper wood

    The difference between incense wood and pepper wood

    Many flower lovers have bought a pot of fragrant wood to ward off mosquitoes. Don't you know that maybe this is just a pot of pepper wood, and generally speaking, most of the fragrant wood in the flower market is actually pepper wood? let's take a look at the difference between incense wood and pepper wood.

  • The latest production method of fragrant wood bonsai

    The latest production method of fragrant wood bonsai

    The tender leaves of fragrant wood are red, bright, exquisite in color, slow in growth, easy to shape, have a light fragrance, purify the air and repel mosquitoes and flies. But do you know the production method and maintenance management of fragrant wood bonsai? Next, the editor will introduce to you.

    2020-11-10 The latest clear incense wood bonsai production method tender leaves
  • Where is the main producing area of red millet "the first fragrant rice in the world"? What is the nutritional value?

    Where is the main producing area of red millet

    Red millet is known as the first fragrant rice in the world. According to the determination, its protein content reaches 11.2% Mel 13.4%, which is 1-3% higher than that of ordinary millet. So, where is the main producing area of red millet? What is the nutritional value of red millet? What do you recommend to eat red millet? First, the Lord of Red Millet

    2020-11-09 " the first in the world fragrant rice red millet Lord origin
  • Learn these methods to teach you how to distinguish between fragrant wood and pepper wood!

    Learn these methods to teach you how to distinguish between fragrant wood and pepper wood!

    Modern people are more likely to put potted plants than to buy flowers to decorate the room. Fragrant wood and pepper wood are good choices. Here are some ways to tell them apart. I. the difference between incense wood and pepper wood is the so-called similarity between people and people.

    2020-11-09 Learn this several methods teach you how to distinguish clear incense wood
  • The most fragrant flower in China is known as the first fragrant garden in the world. Plant 3 fragrant flowers quickly

    The most fragrant flower in China is known as the first fragrant garden in the world. Plant 3 fragrant flowers quickly

    Speaking of fragrant flowers, many people know osmanthus, gardenia, but the flowering period is very short, and not very good to raise. Today, I would like to introduce a flower that smells like green radish but also smells good. The name of the tree is seven, and it is called "heaven."

  • It's the best orchid to grow.

    It's the best orchid to grow.

    Orchid flowers are the most fragrant, the most fragrant flowers, but many varieties of orchids, some orchid fragrance, some fragrance. Some are very easy to raise, some are very difficult to raise. This is not only the first time I've seen it.

  • The method of making bonsai with fragrant wood stakes

    The method of making bonsai with fragrant wood stakes

    Natural fragrant wood, light fragrance, evergreen all the year round, exudes faint fragrance of fragrant wood, always gives people serenity and peace of mind. Green leaves, take off a piece, hands rub, a natural faint fragrance refreshing. The leaves are fine and green, the tender leaves are red, and the branches are weak and lovely.

  • The making method of fragrant wood bonsai

    The making method of fragrant wood bonsai

    The making method of fragrant wood bonsai

  • Matters needing attention in culture of Tripterygium wilfordii

    Matters needing attention in culture of Tripterygium wilfordii

    1. Fragrant vines need to be given sufficient light, lack of light will affect the flowering of fragrant vines, and is not conducive to the growth of fragrant vines. two。 When applying fertilizer, the dosage of nitrogen fertilizer should be controlled. Excess nutrition will make the plant grow too prosperous, which is not conducive to flowering. 3. Although Piaoxiang vine has strong resistance to adversity,

  • How to trim the latest fragrant wood best?

    How to trim the latest fragrant wood best?

    Fragrant wood is an evergreen shrub or Xiao Qiao of the genus Coptis in the lacquer family, also known as fragrant tree, fine leaf regular wood, incense leaf, etc., with fine and green leaves, red tender leaves, weak and lovely branches, coupled with its fragrant smell, so it has been used as a small potted plant for foliage in recent years.

    2020-11-10 The latest clear incense wood how pruning the best is
  • Which variety of camellia is the most fragrant and best? Which one do you like best?

    Which variety of camellia is the most fragrant and best? Which one do you like best?

    Camellia is one of the top ten famous flowers in China, which is famous for its bright green leaves and bright flowers. At present, there are more than 20,000 varieties of camellias in the world, and there are also nearly varieties of camellias distributed in China.

  • The fragrant vine, you know, may be another name for it.

    The fragrant vine, you know, may be another name for it.

    Tripterygium wilfordii is a new type of vine, native to tropical America, and is a perennial evergreen plant of Apocynaceae. When the fragrant vine blossoms, the fragrant fragrance makes people relaxed and happy, so it has the elegant name of "fragrant vine".
